Terms and Definitions

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic Coordinator

A role specifically for academic coordinators to request academic-credit bearing courses and meeting specific events and special events. Users under this role can schedule, view, and modify classroom-specific spaces and events under their ownership. Additionally, this role can request and view meetings from the calendar grid. 


A status that indicates an event creation process canceled. Any scheduled rooms or other resources are not reserved.

Classroom-specific spaces

Collection of rooms that are prioritized for curriculum and reserved in a phased process. Room examples: Classroom, Lecture Hall, Group Study, & Learning Studios.


A customer is a client, business, organization, or other entity used in event scheduling to which one or more individual contacts are associated. (i.e., UA departments or colleges, College of Medicine) 

Curriculum Coordinator

See Academic Coordinator

Customer Contact

A person record which associates with a Customer. Customers may have multiple contacts, one of which is the primary contact. A person may be a Contact for multiple customers.

Event list

A list of Events (types: Curriculum, Administrative/Academic Related) in Astra Schedule where all scheduled, incomplete, & pending events requests reside for the ownership of the user.

Event-specific spaces

Collection of rooms in HSIB utilized and approved by the Special Events Team. Automatic approvers of HISB forum space & Annex forum space.

Event Status

Event Status Types: Scheduled, Incomplete, Canceled


A status that indicates an event creation process that is incomplete or in progress. Any scheduled rooms or other resources are not reserved.

Lab-specific spaces

Rooms on the 7th and 8th floor of the HSIB building.

Meeting-specific spaces

Collection of rooms in HSIB which utilize spaces for curriculum, academic-related events, administrative functions or general meetings, committees, or other organized group gatherings. Room examples: Conference, Seminar Room, Academic Group Study, Huddle & Learning Studios.

Notification list

A list of Events (types: Administrative/Academic Related or Special Events) where resource approvers in Astra Schedule go to process space and resource requests.


A status which indicates a completed record that has room(s) assigned and no resource approvals pending.

Scheduling Grids

Scheduling grids allow you to view and request rooms/resources by day or week views.

Space Classifications / Regions

A collection of rooms that define the region type. Region/ Space Type: Classroom-specific spaces, Meeting-specific spaces, Event-specific spaces, Lab-specific spaces.

Scheduling Grid Colors

The colors associated with the Event Types show up on the Scheduling Grid Calendars. (Image)


A telephone meeting between two or more participants with one or both ends of the conference sharing a speakerphone.

Video Conferencing

Allows two or more locations to communicate through simultaneous video and audio transmissions via dedicated conferencing units installed in select rooms around campus. Users will need an IP or SIP address from the remote site to connect.

Web Conferencing

A web-based service for live, virtual conferencing via software. Some web conferencing solutions include Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting, and Webex.