Modify Your Event(s)


Modify your event(s) to change information such as the dates, times, name, type, status, description, contact, and attendance for specific meetings.

  • To Modify your event, select the specific instance(s) you would like to alter; you may have to expand your event to view all instances (indicated by “A”).
  • Once all instances that need alteration have been selected, navigate to the Edit Selected button (indicated by “B”) to open the Edit Event Meetings page.
Modify Meeting Details window
  • In the Edit Event Meetings window, you can change the dates, times, name, type, status, description, contact, and attendance.
  • Once alterations have been made, select the Apply button (indicated by “C”) to set your changes first Save and then Save and Close your event (indicated by “D, and E”).
Meeting info window within Modify workflow
Save and Close button for Modify workflow